The ComUnity Platform offers the ability to customise the appearance of your app across different client platforms through themes. A theme is a collection of attributes that define the style and layout of your app for a specific client platform.
Themes in the Toolkit provide developers with a comprehensive set of customisation options to tailor the user experience. ComUnity developers have the flexibility to modify various components, including tabs, buttons, text size, and label appearance.
For example, developers can easily customise the colour scheme of tabs using themes, allowing them to define the background colour, font colour, and other visual properties associated with tab elements. This ensures that tabs align with the desired design language and branding of the application.
Similarly, themes enable developers to customise the appearance of buttons by adjusting the background colour, font colour, and other visual attributes. This flexibility allows for the creation of buttons that seamlessly integrate with the overall aesthetic of the application and provide intuitive visual feedback to users.
Text size customisation is another crucial aspect offered by themes. Developers can modify the font size of text elements to ensure optimal readability and accommodate different user preferences or accessibility needs. By adjusting the text size, developers can optimise the user experience for various devices and screen sizes.
It's important to note that the availability of customisation options may vary depending on the platform. For example, in mobile app development, developers may have the option to modify the accent colour, which is a platform-specific customisation feature.
In summary, themes in the Toolkit empower developers to customise the appearance of components such as tabs, buttons, text size, and label appearance across various client platforms. By leveraging these customisation options, developers can create visually appealing interfaces that align with branding, enhance usability, and cater to different user preferences.
Supported clients include:
Accessing and Customising Themes in the ComUnity Developer Toolkit
To customise the appearance of your app across different client platforms, the Themes feature in the Toolkit provides developers with a convenient interface. Themes allow you to modify attributes and properties of various components, such as tabs, buttons, text size, and label appearance. This guide will walk you through accessing the Themes interface and provide an overview of its layout and functionality.
Accessing Themes in the Toolkit
To access Themes in the Toolkit and begin customising your app's appearance, follow these simple steps:
Open your project Settings: Navigate to your project settings to access the customisation options. This can typically be done through a settings menu or toolbar.
Click Project Setting in the navigation bar: Locate and click on the Project Setting option in the navigation bar of the settings interface. This will take you to a view displaying your project settings.
Select Themes in the sidebar: Within the project settings view, you will find a sidebar that includes various configuration options. Look for the Themes option in the sidebar and select it.
Tab View of Supported Clients: Upon selecting the Themes option, you will be presented with a tab view layout. Each tab represents a supported client platform, such as Android, iOS, Web, and Windows. The tab view allows you to navigate between different clients to customise their specific appearance.
Layout and Customisation Options
Once you've accessed the Themes interface, you will find a user-friendly layout that simplifies the customisation process. Here are some key aspects of the interface:
Tab View Menu: The tab view menu presents each supported client as a separate tab. This enables you to focus on customising the appearance of the app for a specific platform. Simply click on the desired tab to access the corresponding customisation options.
Attributes and Properties: Within each client tab, you will find relevant attributes and properties that can be modified. These options may include colour schemes, font styles, sizes, and other visual settings. All colour attributes are equipped with a built-in colour picker, which supports both selection from a colour palette and manual input of hexadecimal colours.
View More Attributes: In some cases, you may find that the initial view of attributes is condensed to provide a streamlined interface. If you require additional customisation options, you can click on a More Attributes option to expand the tab view. This allows you to access and modify a wider range of settings to refine the app's appearance.
Save: Once you have made the desired changes to the attributes and properties, clicking on the Save button will save the modifications. This ensures that your customised settings are applied to the app, reflecting the desired appearance for the selected client platform.
By utilising the intuitive interface of the Themes feature, developers can easily navigate through the supported client tabs, modify the relevant attributes, and create visually appealing and consistent user interfaces for their apps.
In conclusion, accessing and customising Themes in the Toolkit involves navigating to the project settings, selecting the Themes option, and exploring the tab view layout for each supported client platform. With the ability to modify various attributes and properties, including the use of a built-in colour picker, developers can easily customise the appearance of their apps to match branding, enhance usability, and create a personalised user experience.
Supported Attributes in Each Client Platform
In this section, we will provide an overview of the supported settings in the ComUnity Platform that can be customised for each client platform. These settings allow you to modify various aspects of your app's appearance and behaviour to create a unique and engaging user experience that aligns with your brand and audience.
During initial project set up, the ComUnity Toolkit provides you with an interface to select primary and accent colours for the colour scheme of your project, which will in turn affect the colours in your theme. However, the document assumes you used the default colour scheme, which consists of primary colour #004080 and accent colour #008000.
Google Android
Basic Settings
When creating a new project, the primary and accent colours can be selected from the dialog. These colours will be used as shown below, with suitable values set for the additional values. These values can be changed as required.
Name | Default Value | Description |
Primary | Set on project creation | The default colour for the app bar and other primary UI elements |
PrimaryDark | Primary | A darker variant of the primary colour, used for the status bar (on Android 5.0+) and contextual app bars |
Accent | Set on project creation | A secondary colour for controls like checkboxes and text fields |
Background | #f6f7f8 | The app background colour |
Text | #908f9b | The app text colour |
Deselected | #d8d9db | The colour used for disabled controls |
CardBackground | #ffffff | The background colour for cards (used in grid lists) |
LinkText | Primary | The text colour for links that can be clicked |
ErrorText | #e96b47 | The text colour for error messages |
InverseText | #ffffff | The text colour for dark backgrounds (i.e. text on the App bar) |
More attributes
The following settings will use the specified default value if not value is set. The values can be overridden if required.
Name | Default Value | Description |
TitleTextSize | 20 | The text size of title text items |
BodyTextSize | 14 | The text size of body text items |
SelectedTextSize | BodyTextSize | The text size of selected text items |
DetailedTextSize | 12 | The text size of detailed text items |
LabelTextSize | 10 | The text size of label text items |
TabIndicator | InverseText | The colour for the Tab indicator |
TabIndicatorHeight | 4 | The height of the Tab indicator |
TabTextNormal | InverseText | The colour for the Tab item text |
TabTextSelected | InverseText | The colour for the selected Tab item text |
TabTextNormalAlpha | 180 | The alpha value for Tab item text |
AppBar | Primary | The colour for the App Bar |
AppBarText | InverseText | The colour for the App Bar text |
UseNavigatorDrawer | True | Enables the menu selection (hamburger icon) in the App bar |
UseNavigatorButtons | True | Enables the menu bar at the bottom of the screen |
NavigationButtonBackground | #000000 | Background colour for the bottom menu buttons |
NumNavigationButtons | 5 | The number of menu button to display in the bottom menu bar |
ShowNavigationButtonText | False | Show text descriptions on the bottom menu bar buttons |
NavigationButtonNormal | InverseText | The colour for the bottom menu bar button icon and text |
NavigationButtonSelect | Accent | The colour for the bottom menu bar button icon and text for the selected button |
NavigationButtonTextSize | DetailedTextSize | The text size of the descriptions on the bottom menu buttons |
DrawerHeaderBackground | Primary | The colour for the drawer header background |
DrawerHeaderText | InverseText | The colour for the drawer header text |
DrawerHeaderTextSize | 34 | The size of the drawer header text |
DrawerHeaderHeight | 160 | The height of the drawer header |
DrawerBackground | Background | The colour for the drawer background |
DrawerText | Text | The colour of the drawer text |
DrawerTextSize | BodyTextSize | The text size of the drawer text items |
IconSize | 24 | Sets the app icon size |
CardIconSize | 36 | Sets the icon sizes for lists |
GridIconSize | 48 | Sets the icon sizes for grids |
GridSize | 128 | Sets the size of grid items for a list |
GridElevation | 4 | Sets the elevation of the grid items |
SearchTextSize | BodyTextSize | The text size of the search text |
SearchText | Text | The colour of the search text |
SearchHintText | Text | The colour of the search hint text |
Button | Primary | The colour for buttons |
ButtonDisabled | Text | The colour for disabled buttons |
ButtonText | InverseText | The colour for button text |
ButtonTextSize | BodyTextSize | The text size for button text |
LinkButton | Accent | The colour for link buttons |
Additional Resources
Name | Default Value | Description |
Background | #f6f7f8 | The app background colour |
FormBackground | #ffffff | The background colour of forms |
Text | #9008f9b | The colour of the text |
Accent | #008000 | The colour of button labels |
Navbar | #004080 | The background colour of the navigation bar |
NavbarAction | #ffffff | The colour of the action buttons in the navigation bar |
TabSelected | #008000 | The colour of an active tab's text and icons |
Tab | #333333 | The the colour of tab text and icons |
Label | #004080 | The text colour of form labels |
Error | #ff0000 | The text colour of error messages |
Link | #004080 | Colour of links in markdown documents |
SegmentedMenu | #004080 | Colour of text and icons in segmented menus |
StatusbarWhite | checked | Allows you to toggle the colour of the Status bar at the top of the screen which can be light or dark |
LabelAllCaps | checked | Allows you to capitalise all labels |
LabelFont | 5 | Allows you to set the font size of labels |
ContentFont | 8 | The font size of content |
Name | Default Value | Description |
ToolbarBackground | #004080 | Toolbar background |
ToolbarTitle | #ffffff | Toolbar text colour |
ToolbarIcon | #008000 | >>>>>>>Developer Input Requested |
InputHighlight | #004080 | Changes the input (field) lower line to this colour and slightly increases the line width. |
InputLabel | #004080 | Label text colour |
TabsBackground | #efefef | Background of the colour |
TabsText | #004080 | Text colour within tabs |
Asside | #004080 | The text colour of the list items in the list adjacent to the Asside |
Avatar | #004080 | No longer in use |
BaseText | #303030 | Base text colour |
BaseBackground | #ffffff | Base page background colour |
Name | Default Value | Description |
TitleForeground | #fffffff | The colour of the title |
Title Background | #004080 | The background colour of the title |
ListForeground | #494751 | The colour of list items |
ListBackground | #ffffff | The background colour of the list |
FormLabel | #008000 | The colour of form labels |
FormError | #e96b47 | The colour of form error messages |
FormForeground | #494751 | The colour of the input text of form fields |
FormBackground | #ffffff | The background colour of a form element |
MenuForeground | #495741 | The text colour of the menu items |
MenuBackground | #ffffff | The background colour of the menu element |
PivotSelected | #ffffff | The colour of the pivot when selected |
PivotUnselected | #004080 | The colour of the pivot when unselected |
PivotBackground | #004080 | The background colour of the pivot |
TileForeground | #494751 | The text colour of tiles |
TileBackground | #d8d9db | The background colour of tiles |
TabForeground | #004080 | The text colour of the tab text |
TabBackground | #ffffff | The background colour of tab |
FormMargin | 8px | The margin of the form element |
TileMargin | 4px | The margin of the tile |
MenuItems | 5 | Menu items count |
ButtonSize | 35 | The size of button in width |